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Canyons around Grenoble




special price for 6 person booking!

5€ discount per person



                                  Le canyon                                   du Furon
                                (2 different trails)

Canyon duration : 3h à 5h

Good conditions : between 

May and October.

Height diff: 200 à 300m

Canyon's length: 1500 à


Max abseil: 17 m

Meeting point: 

Sassenage en Vercors village

Charge/person: 50 Euros

Charge/pers «integral»:

70 Euros



A day you will never forget!!!

The most famous canyon in Vercors mountains. Easily joinded by car, it's a big mix with every canyoning games. you will do 8 metres jumps IF YOU WANT, slides and abseils... 3 trails can be done: the high part, the low part, the all part.


                                   Le canyon                                   des Ecouges
                                                               (2 different trails)



Canyon duration : 4 à 8h

Good condition : between alf

May and October.

Height diff: 220 à 500 m

Canyon's length: 1000 à

1500 m

Max waterfall: 70 m

Meeting point: Rovon village,

Saint Gervais en Isère

Charge/person: 65 Euros

Charge/pers«full version»: 135 Euros



For motivated sportives!

In the beautifull Vercors mountains area, this canyon is unique because of its dimensions. Lime stone, really really wild area,  8 hours playing along this ancommun river!!


Canyon duration : 3h00 
Good conditions : between July and octobre 
Height diff : 50 m 
Canyon's length : 200 m    
 Max waterfall : 30 m 
Meeting point: Quaix en Chartreuse 
Charge/person : 60 Euros


Canyon for everyone!!!

Canyon de l'Infernet
A day full of souvenirs!!!

In Chartreuse mountains, Infernet canyon is the must! the real ambiance

in impressive lime stone gorges (around 100m).

Melting big abseils with water, jumps, slides, anconventionnal ledges.

A great ambiance in a easy canyon! 


escalade, canyoning, via ferrata, haute savoie, Annecy, voyage, grande voie, terrain aventure, guide


Rock-trotteur par passion...

Annecy, Aravis, Bauges, Alpes, France





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